create your own soundbadge

The team behind soundbadge


Jan Krutisch aka Cpt. Halfbyte

Jan was the one coming up with the idea to participate in the Rails Rumble. He also assembled the team, so he kinda felt a little captainish while registering the team. Jan is a Rails Pro working for mindmatters in Hamburg. He's also one of the founders of the german rails usergroup. He's responsible for most of the sound related code, so blame the bad musical quality on him. While he's typing this, he's so tired that he needs to type most of the text zwice two ger i rite.


Karsten Krutisch aka Kash

Kash is one of Hamburgs finest upcoming Hip Hop producers. Apart from that he's Jans older younger brother, he just started his career as a student and is currently asleep on the sofa. He compiled most of the samples used by the sound generator and is also responsible for the funky animations.


Florian Munz aka theflow

Florian doesn't like talking about himself in the third person.

Okay, okay. Apart from being known as refactor man and general web geek, Florian works for Qype as a rails developer. He's responsible for most of the Rails application and had a lot of fun setting up the server. Not!


Wolfgang Wopperer aka Chief Critic

The idea of the sound badge was originally Wolfgang's, so naturally he was the first one to join the team Jan assembled. Apart from designing, texting and fixing HTML layouts for the Internet Explorer, which is largely done by now, Wolfgang was the chief critic like in most projects he's working on. Although he's a co-founder of mindmatters, he's now in no position to make qualified desicions anymore and therefore ends this paragraph (and work for tonite) with a .