create your own soundbadge

How add support for sound badges to your website

The good news: If you are using gravatar, you are almost set.

Gravatar uses md5 hashed email adresses as the identifier. We kinda liked that idea. So we borroweded it.

To create an md5 hash from an email adress, you'll need an md5 implementation in your preferred programming language. Since we're die-hard rubyists, heres an example in ruby:

require 'digest/md5'
md5 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(email_address)

The URL formats

As soon as you have the md5 hash ready, you can use our nifty pseudo-API to retrieve various formats from us:

The widget

Since we're more or less broke, here's the last thing we can show you: A dead-simple widget implementation:

  <script type="text/javascript" src="[md5].js"></script>